Facts Fiction Driving Myths Busted Part 3

By Simon
Driving schools in Brooklyn NYcan give you many useful skills. Learning how to get out on the road safely and to be a better driver can help you avoid dangerous situations, and keep others safe. However, as we have discovered with the other two parts of our Driving Myths series, there are many misconceptions that surround what is actually true about how your car functions and how to keep it in working order.  Here is the final addition to our Driving Myths series. We hope you have learned a lot!
  • Myth: You should fill your car with gas late in the evening or early in the morning to save gas.
    • Some say that you should pump your gas either in the morning or in the evening when the temperature is cooler. The logic behind this is actually understandable, because gasoline, like all liquids, expands in heat. So, if you fill up your tank when it’s cooler, the gas is denser and will give you more energy per gallon. Unfortunately, this is a myth. Gas stations store the tanks of gas at about 15 feet below the ground, which keeps the tanks consistently around 55 degrees. Therefore, no matter what time you’re filling up your tank, you’ll be getting the same temperature and amount of gas every time.
  • Myth: You should always let your car warm up first.
    • Actually, idling in winter has no benefit to your modern engine. Modern cars need to warm up for no more than 30 seconds if you’re driving in winter.  Engines today are designed to warm up fastest when they are actually in use, or when the car is driven.  It’s actually better for your engine to be turned off and then started again, instead of leaving it idle.  Aside from not actually helping your car warm up, there are several costs to you if you decide to idle, including wasting gas pollution.  So, next time you’re tempted to warm up your car, just remember that driving your car is the best way to warm it up, and it avoids wasting gas.
  • Myth: You should change your oil every 3,000 miles.
    • This car tip is something that you might hear from repair facilities, quick-lube chains, and others that benefit from frequent oil changes. But this tip isn’t necessarily true. The intervals that are required by your car are usually much longer. Some oil changes can last 7,000-10,000 miles. The innovation behind synthetic oils has also given your car a good chunk of time between oil changes. However, no one knows your car better than the manufacturer, so if you have any questions on how long you should wait between oil changes, consult your owner’s manual for what your maintenance schedule should be.
Drive Rite Academy’s driving schools in Brooklyn NY can prepare you for your new adventure inlearning how to drive. Hopefully, now that you know the truth about these common driving myths, you’ll be better prepared and a more knowledgeable driver. Let us arm you with more useful driving tips and information! Set up an appointment with us today!
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